Squan Animal Hospital Treats Spring Lake, NJ Bichon Frise For Bladder Stones.

Posted on 28-09-2012 , by: Andrew Levin , in , 0 Comments

Urinary Bladder Stones (Uroliths) in Cats and Dogs

Spring Lake, NJ Bichon treated for Bladder Stones at Squan Animal HospitalPictured is “Snowball”, a Bichon Frise from Spring Lake, NJ with bladder stones.

Cats and dogs can actually get “stones” in their urinary bladder.  They form by minerals in the urine precipitating out of solution and condensing into a hard stone(s), known as a urolith(s).  Click on the X-RAY to see stones in a urinary bladder.

Xray of Bladder Stone in Dog Wall, NJ



What Are Bladder Stones?

Uroliths can form in any breed of cat or dog, although Dalmations and small breed dogs in general have a higher incidence.  Besides genetics, other causes of stone formation can be related to diet, persistent urinary tract infections, low water consumption, some disease conditions such as liver shunts and unknown factors.

How Do I Know If My Pet has Bladder Stones?

Signs of uroliths your cat or dog would exhibit may include frequent or painful urinations, blood tinged urine, straining to urinate, small volumes of urine or a thin urine stream.  Since other medical conditions can have similar signs you should bring your pet to a veterinarian to perform a physical exam, a urine analysis, and blood work along with X-RAYS as needed to determine a diagnosis.  If a stone gets caught in the urethra causing a blockage, this is a medical emergency.


Treatment of uroliths varies on a case by case basis.  Occasionally a diet change can help dissolve stones, but many pets, especially those with large uroliths require a surgical procedure to remove the stones from the urinary bladder.  The stones are sent to a laboratory for analysis to determine their composition.  Once that is known, then diet changes or medications can reduce the chances of them forming again, but despite our (and your) best efforts oftentimes the uroliths return.  Follow up urine tests and X-RAYS can determine if they are reforming.

What are you waiting for? To schedule your appointment today, please do not hesitate to get in touch!  We will make it the best experience possible for you and your four legged friend!


 Squan Animal Hospital LLC
1427 Lakewood Rd
Manasquan, NJ 08736
Phone: 732-528-9199
Fax: 732-528-0769
E-Mail: cs@squananimalhospital.com



